Depression since lockdown 2021

Feb 12, 2021

New Statistics show that the Pandemic, Lockdowns and Tiers Have Led To Increased Depression In The UK.

Statistics show that depression has doubled in adults during the lockdown [1]. 1 in 10 adults were ‘likely showing’ signs of lockdown depression according to previous figures but in June 2020 this had increased to 1 in 5 adults.

Worse still, over 2 in 5 of those who were experiencing lockdown depression of some form also said that their relationships were being affected. 

We are living in unprecedented times. Whilst we are more connected through our devices than ever before, there is something segregating about only being able to connect people via a screen. And then we are crammed into our house with our partners and children with very little capacity for release.

Depression is one of the most common mental health issues in the UK. It comes in many forms and displays numerous symptoms. For some it comes as unshakeable feelings of hopelessness, for other depression can be something as seemingly innocent as suddenly losing in long held interests.

It is difficult to simply point to something and say ‘that is the cause’. Depression isn’t simply ‘being sad’. For some it may have roots in their personal histories and for others it may be chemical issues. What we can see though, is that the pandemic is making the situation worse.

Exercise is an excellent way of helping you to cope with stress and depression but of course gyms are closed and sports teams are unable to meet.

Outdoor hobbies and recreational activities are out of the window. Our favourite past-times are for the most part closed.

Even shops more interesting than supermarkets are all closed.

The lockdown has locked down many of our channels for relieving our mental health issues. 

We can help

Based in Wolverhampton, Mental Health Midlands is a first-class training provider supporting businesses in Wolverhampton, Birmingham, Walsall and the Black Country. We provide recognised course in mental health such as two-day courses to become Mental Health First Aiders to basic entry level half day mental health courses to aid understanding of a misunderstood area. We help businesses to overcome mental health issues and break the stigmas around mental health in the workplace.

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