Adult Mental Health Two-day Course
Developed by MHFA England, this two-day course qualifies you as s mental health first aider. You will get a deep understanding of what mental health is and what factors can affect wellbeing. It will provide ideas into improving your own mental health and wellbeing in order to help others. The course teaches you practical skills to spot the signs of mental illness and gives you the confidence to step in and support a person who needs assistance.
Course Description
Care about your colleagues? Passionate about your staff? Worried about the growing mental health crisis? Unsure what you can do to improve your work environment for the mental wellbeing of all?
Become qualified as a Mental Health First Aider with a course developed by MHFA England.
Using our two days to maximum advantage, we train you to become a first-class Mental Health First Aider. What is Mental Health First Aid you ask? A mental health first aider is someone trained in the practical skills needed to be able to spot the signs of mental health issues in themselves, their peers and the people around them.
Across two days, our warm and personable trainers guide you through the deep knowledge of mental health illnesses and issues, build your confidence in helping when someone needs assistance and enable you to help yourself and others.
Why Do I Need It?
Did you know that the risk of suicide for men in skilled trades like plumbing is 35% higher than the national average suicide rate for men? Or for women in health care professions the suicide rate is 24% higher than the female national average?[1]
Or did you know that the top five industries affected by depression are private and public transit, real estate, social services, manufacturing and personal services? And that the same study saw a correlation between the incidence of depression and frequent or difficult interaction with the public?[2]
Mental health in the workplace affects us all, and sometimes in completely surprising ways. Becoming a Mental Health First Aider will enable you to ensure that your workplace is safe. After all, when suicide is the leading cause of death in adults under the age of 50, we could all work together to ensure the safest and most productive work environments.

What sectors would really benefit from the mental health first aid course?
Financial Services
Teaching Professions
Construction Industry
Health Care Sector
Retail Sector
Manufacturing Sector
Food and Beverage Sector
SME owners
Examples of for whom this course is right for:
Team Leaders
Senior and Middle Management
Senior and Middle Leadership Team Members
Senior and Junior Partners
Business Owners
Department Managers
Principal Leads
Who should attend?
Are you the principal of a school seeking to ensure the mental wellbeing of staff and students? Perhaps you work in the traditionally male-centric financial sector and you’re concerned about the hidden crisis of men suffering with mental health issues in silence? Or maybe you’ve seen our article about the cost of mental health issues in businesses? Then this is the course for you.
With an estimated 10 million more mental health issues caused by the events of 2020-1, all businesses need to prepare themselves. Whether you are a member of HR, a small business director or even a nominated first aider – our two-day course will help you to ensure your workplace becomes a mental wellness friendly environment.
This course is suitable for those who want to gain the necessary skills to have a non-judgmental conversation, recognise the signs and symptoms of common workplace mental health issues and effectively guide a person towards the right support.
**Please be aware that this course focuses on employees in the workplace and covers subjects that some people may find distressing, including suicide and self-harm. If a delegate feels overwhelmed, they can leave the course at any time.

Sherene Glynn- Wrekin Housing Group
Highly recommended for anyone in middle management or above. It will break down the barriers and preconceptions that you may have regarding mental illness. (26th November 2020)“

Neil – Cotteswold Dairy

Sean Tennant- Salewise

Zoe Powers

Michael Cartwright
Teresa as an instructor is warm, friendly and creates a safe space for all to share experiences.
Great course.“